The Fellowship of Good Friends
From the first moments of Theo’s ordeal, the friendships he had cultivated all of his life became a critical component of his survival and recovery. Theo’s friends swarmed to his side, so much that we had to schedule their visits. If they couldn’t come, they called and sent cards. His phone was overflowing with text messages every day. His room in the St. Mary’s ICU had more visitors, it seemed, than all the other rooms combined. If they weren’t calling, texting, or sending cards, they were posting encouraging messages on Facebook. Jorja and I were amazed at the quality of friends who gathered around Theo and reading their Facebook posts was inspiring for all of us. Below is a series of excerpts from Theo’s Facebook timeline beginning the day after he was injured through one year later. There is no doubt in my mind that Theo’s friends were a critical element in his extraordinary recovery.
FB Posts
Victoria Annlee Raeburn with Theo T Krause
September 17, 2013 · Edited · |
To Infinity and Beyond
Philip Krause
September 17, 2013 · Kansas City, MO · Be well young man. Blessings. |
Anna Krause |
Praying for you friend. Looking forward to seeing you whenever our next chance is. Take care.
Vickie Mahrt |
Keep the faith, Ted. Be strong!
Kaylie Will Summers |
Hang in there Theo! We all know you’re tough and will pull through this! My thoughts and prayers are with you buddy!
Kelsey Wolfe |
thinking of you and sending all my love
Jake W |
Theo, stay strong homie. Prayin for you amigo.
Whitney Rae Brofos |
Praying for you Theo! I know you have everything it takes to beat this. Xoxo. Stay strong!
Phillip Cherry |
Whatever you need, now or forever, you’ve got me. Not letting this get in the way of my best friend.
Scott Everhart |
Everyone, please keep Theo T Krause and his family in your thoughts and prayers. He was involved in a serious mountain bike accident in Crested Butte Tuesday. He has sustained a neck injury but I am happy to say there was no head/brain trauma beyond a concussion. He is in great spirits with the positive attitude that we would all expect from our beloved friend; joking with the paramedics, nurses, and doctors on a regular basis. He has a long recovery ahead and will be in Grand Jct at St Mary’s hospital for the next 1-2 weeks, before further decisions are made. His parents have flown in and are with him now. Please respect their privacy for the time being as you offer your outpouring love and support during this difficult time. More information and details will be released in the future. God Bless.
Tommie Bennett |
Yo buddy! I am sending good vides your way, now its time to “Shock The World”. lets make moves forward, everyday.
Nick Ziemann |
Krause like House.
Meghan Cahill |
As some of you know, my best friend, my roommate, one of the most solid people I know Theo T Krause was in a pretty scary mountain biking accident. He suffered a bad neck injury and underwent a huge surgery. We have all been very scared, but positive and hopeful. The great news is that we continue to get news on progression! As of this morning he was able to pick up his right leg. He will continue to work with an occupational therapist on gaining his skills back- and I cannot wait to see more progression. You can do it Ted, I know you can. Love you so much, you are an inspiration. Checking my attitude and gratitude all day, this is a moment for us all to grow with Theo.
Stacey J. Lewis shared Scott Everhart‘s post. |
Sending you so much love right now Theo T Krause. I even have my Nana praying for you, and she is mad tight with God!!!
Scott Everhart with Dan Miller and Eric Sjoreen |
Good Morning Everyone,
Theo T Krause is now about 42 hours into his recovery. And I have some very encouraging news! This morning during his assessment the dr asked Theo to try raising his right leg. With all of his effort and will power, he did what was asked of him; he raised his right leg! He has also been able to get some much needed sleep and his pain level has remained tolerable. Please continue to keep Theo and his family in your thoughts and prayers as he continues his journey toward recovery.
Scott Everhart |
Know what’s better than waking up to a majestic sunrise? Walking into Theo T Krause‘s room after stealing a few zzz’s in the waiting room, and seeing him wave at me as I walked in. He then had a nice visit with his sister Mae and waved at her on FaceTime.
Theo slept well last night, ate some cream of wheat and tapioca for breakfast, and has seen his fever begin to subside this morning, which has given him more energy to start the day.
As Eric Sjoreen, Dan Miller, and I return to Vail today for work, Theo has some of the ladies he holds closest to him arriving this evening, which is great news as I’m sure he’s ready to have some attractive helpers replace us for a few days. The nurse ensured Theo that they’d get him bathed and shaved before the gals arrived, but it doesn’t sound like they have any dressier gowns for him to wear.
As we left the room this morning, Theo thanked us and asked us all for a handshake. While he can’t grip anything using his fingers yet, he raised that arm of his and gave us all the best handshake we’ve ever had. We love you Theo, keep fighting the good fight and we’ll see you early next week, and talk tomorrow!
Updates will continue to come, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your continued support and prayers. It means the world to Theo, the Krause family, and the rest of us!
Christopher Jones
The world around you, it is obese with love. We all have the time to share in your recovery. Let us be a grip to you, while you grip your strength & courage upon us, letting us know that we help you each day, to become healthier. We will be here in steps, in lunges, in leaps & in bounds. Each level of progress we will be at your side, with everlasting love.
Scott Everhart with Dan Miller and Eric Sjoreen |
Here is the end of the day update from Theo T Krause‘s father, Tim, who along with Theo’s mother, Jorja, have remained incredibly strong & resilient through it all. I now see where Theo gets his fight & incredible drive; where his never say no attitude and his will to overcome anything, come from. Theo, you are truly blessed to have such amazing parents to help not just you, but us all, to remain steadfast through this journey.
Scott Everhart shared your post. |
I tried calling to speak to Theo T Krause today, but he was too busy having his feet rubbed by these gorgeous ladies. It’s safe to say it’s another good day for Theo! And that Dan Miller, Eric Sjoreen, and myself have permanently lost our jobs as his helpers.
Curt Hokanson |
Hey man, keep strong and focused – recovery is a long journey but you certainly strike me as the type of gentleman to walk that path stubbornly and have a blast along the way. Here’s to good tunes and plenty of good books on your journey back. I wish you all the best man – take care.
Meghan Cahill |
This weekend spent in the ICU at St. Mary’s hospital with Theo T Krause truly humbled me in so many ways. Lots of ups, and just a few downs, but one of the most memorable moments for me: Mr.Krause showed me Theo’s dented helmet from the crash- as he walked away from showing me he looked back at me with a smile on his face and said “We still got him.”
That we do, and what a good one to have.
Liz Lilly |
Just letting you know, for every post or update I read that involves you and your amazing progress, I smile and cheer for you! (Literally, out loud. You just can’t hear it.) You’re awesome.
Scott Everhart |
Glad to be back by Theo‘s side after a few days of work. Tonight he told me I had skull crushing hands when I held his head while the nurses repositioned him to get ready for some much needed sleep. Initially, I feared I somehow squeezed too tight without realizing it. Turns out, he just meant these hands of mine were very large.
But what I’ve found is how large his heart is. As you read the update below, his compassion for others never wavers. A please at every request, an apology at every other; he’s going through this all with the manners of a saint, without wanting to inconvenience a soul. It’s true, nurses look after their patients like a family member their own. But who looks after these nurses as they pour out their every ounce of energy to care for their patients? I never thought about this before. But I see it now and it moves me to tears. Theo does.
Theo T Krause |
I woke up today in a great mood. I think a lot of that has to do with the huge amount of support I have gotten from all of you. I can’t type or text yet, but I am happy to see everything that’s coming to me via FB, texts, and emails. Keep all the messages coming, and I will catch up as soon as I can. Love you guys
Agustina Segal |
But I hold on, and I feel strong
And I know that I can…
Never seen the sun shine brighter
And it feels like me
On a good day I know you can Theo
smile emoticon
Rashed Ahmed |
My thoughts and prayers to my Paris friend, Theo T Krause. Stay strong bud!
smile emoticon
Theo T Krause |
Great news today about my future rehab progress. You will be able to visit me in Denver in the upcoming months!
Mae Adeline Solze |
Tonight I sat with Theo T Krause, Coni, and mom laughing and cracking jokes about who knows what and realized I hadn’t laughed that much in a week. So great to have such positive energy to end day 7! Outside the room, however, was a different story as two new patients were being rushed in from care flight. For whatever reason I actually felt the desire to pray…I honestly haven’t felt that need in a very long while. We all held hands and said a quick prayer for the new patients to give them the comfort that Theo felt and to know they were in good hands. This short pause today allowed me to realize not only how lucky we are to have Theo, but how lucky we are to have Theo in good spirits and to be able to surround him at all hours with a friend or family member. How cool is that? I mean, really, how cool is that?
For the rest of the night the tune of Traveling Mercies was stuck in my head:
For every daybreak
Out on the traveler’s way
Follow the high road
And look for Me there
Take bread for the journey
And strength for the fight
Comfort to sleep through the night
Wisdom to choose at the fork in the road
And a heart that knows the way home
And for the faithful
And for the weary
And for the hopeful
Here is my prayer:
Go in peace, live in grace
Trust in the arms that will hold you
Go in peace, live in grace
Trust God’s love
I think of it as encouragement to Theo, I think of it as a thank you to all of the nurses and doctors who have helped him so far, and I think of it as a reassurance to me that He has it under control. I never knew my brother was such a strong person. Time for me to learn a life lesson from the big bro and start trusting God’s love.
Kyle Mozdzyn |
Cant wait til youre back to wood grain grippin, bangin, slangin, big pimpin like the Teddy K gangsta we all know you is. Stay strong brotha!
Elise Pace |
Camping with Theo T Krause and Ross Bernards at Missouri Lakes was by far the best moment of this amazing summer- Theo you are badass and bold, I know your recovery will be as quick as your bean/hotdog cooking skills and I can’t wait to see you soon
Scott Everhart |
Theo T Krause is a warrior. Determined to prove the Dr’s wrong and return to his active ways, I left him in the hospital today knowing the next time I’d see him, he’d amaze me again. Because that’s what he does. He keeps pushing and going. Gaining progress at a rate that no one can calculate. Failure is simply not an option. And he’s proof of that. ..That fight and heart alone is all it takes to overcome a reality the Dr. has laid out for him. He’s proven that he will battle through and succeed. Conquer the impossible. The Dr’s can’t believe it. We can’t believe it. What the Dr. said would take him 3 months, he’s done in 9 days. NINE DAYS. To raise his legs on his own, with zero assistance. Between prayer and determination, effort and will power, he refuses to take no for an answer. I’ve never been so proud of anyone in my life. Yes, it’s a long road ahead. But it’d be downright foolish to overlook how far he’s come. It’s only a matter of time before he gets to stand up for the first time. And while his body tells him this is crazy, he shouldn’t be doing this, he’ll keep on charging ahead and ignoring the pain and the dizziness. And when that happens, he won’t be satisfied. He’ll want more. He’ll expect more from his body. And you know what? He’ll get it. Because the mind is weak. But his heart is not. His heart is all he needs to keep pushing ahead. And he’s going to do exactly that. Because he’s already shown that nothing else in this life matters, but only that of what is in one’s heart. And that’s a lesson we can certainly all learn from.
Theo T Krause |
So thankful, still again and again, for all the love that you guys are sending me. I can’t use my hands at all, so I can’t really type, or respond to messages, or make phone calls. Please continue to read my dad’s updates every day. He does a lot better at keeping track of where I am and my progress. I will let everyone know when you can start coming to visit me in Denver once I know the strict schedule that the Craig hospital will set up for me. Hopefully today I will get to cruise around a little bit in my new whip.
Patrick Seguin |
Stay strong old friend. I am sure you will make a full recovery. Sending my thoughts and prayers from Canada. Hopefully we can reconnect in the near future.
Stephanie Danielle Martinez |
Teddy, I am cheering for you everyday and praying for a very speedy recovery. I know this may seem like a challenge to go through now, but for all the years I’ve known you, your upstanding moral character and great presence in this world is more than enough to get through this small hurdle in your life. You’ve always followed your passions in life, always walked to the beat of your own drum, and always inspired others to do what they love in your own unique way. I am overjoyed to see all the love and friendship you’ve cultivated over the years flooding back to you now and I know your healing process will be over soon. I am not surprised to hear you are recovering at a rate beyond belief, but still full of excitement for your progress. Thanks to your wonderful family for keeping us in the loop and we will all be here every STEP of the way toward your recovery.
heart emoticon
Theo T Krause |
Finally made it to The Craig Hospital in Denver. Yay!
Meghan Cahill |
So here is an update on my roommate Theo T Krause. Well he has begun his rehab process at http://www.craighospital.org/, known as one of the best in the world for spinal chord injuries. Theo has made spectacular progress. So spectacular that one of the doctors said he wished he was a student again so that he could do a study on him and his progress from an injury like this. Theo is special and inspires me over and over again. This just goes to show that every morning when you wake up you can start your future again. Positive thoughts and prayers to Theo and his family. We are all rootin for ya!
Theo T Krause |
Just call me Theo, guys. It should be obvious I prefer that. Just do it. Love you!
Kendall Rad Wilson with Theo T Krause |
Theo, tonight’s run was inspired by your perseverance and positivity. Keep up the hard work, we’re all here rooting for you every day. Every little bit counts. #imatheo #bandoftheos #endorphins #grateful #gotheogo #thumbsup
Theo T Krause |
So from now on, I am going to be taking over control of my schedule. If you want to come visit me shoot me a text message! I’d love to see everybody, and I’ll do my best to keep it organized and get back with you in a timely manner. Just give me a little bit of leeway, because stuff still moves a little bit slow.
Meghan Cahill shared Mae Adeline Solze‘s post. |
If this does not inspire you I don’t know what will. Theo T Krause you are one incredible human being. Lucky to know you, lucky to have you. This video makes me appreciate the people I have in my life, and love life just a little bit more than I already do. A quote from the book I am reading “you’ve got to have gratitude over disappointment, curiosity over complaint, and hope over despair.” Have a wonderful and grateful weekend everyone!
Blesson Jacob |
Lauren, Buster, Brian and I are super excited to see you making great strides in your recovery bro. I’m very happy that you can get up on your feet and move around. I’ll get you a dirty south pimp cane and big panky rang lol. You definitely deserve it for being so strong and never giving up. I remember one day I saw you doing your pace test back in middle school at Austin academy and you would boss it, makin it so far. No matter how red your face got, you just kept powering through. Ha. Finally got some super cool accessories in the mail, and trust me, i’ll sport them every day. Not cause they’re One of my favorite colors purple, but mainly for you, your relentless spirit and inspiration you instill in all of us watching your recovery. Much love brother.
Philip Krause shared Vickie Mahrt‘s post. |
Have to say, the beer drinking abilities of Theo T Krause are un-diminished!
Theo T Krause |
Just because someone has multicolored hair does not give you an excuse to touch it multiple times during a 15 minute meeting without asking. I’m looking at you Debbie from outpatient services.
Scott Everhart with Theo T Krause
November 16, 2013 · Denver, CO · Edited · |
Walking around Denver… because we can. [Thx for the shot Meghan]
Theo T Krause |
Never have so many people congratulated me on discharging.
Theo T Krause |
I’m ready for this New Year. I think it will be a perfect one for anustart.
Theo T Krause |
Anyone want to go for a walk this afternoon?
Theo T Krause |
After capturing the hearts of his surgery staff, we return to our hero, laying in the middle of the street, enveloped in a cloud of cold, white, and coincidentally, comfortable humility.
Kendall Rad Wilson shared Brett Nevin‘s post. |
in september they told him he would never walk again…. today, he’s on his snowboard. i can’t even begin to contain my excitement. Theo T Krause you’re truly inspirational.
Brett Nevin |
Theo this is amazing…your an inspiration to everyone!! So happy to see this
@theartistformerlyknownastheo aka Theo T Krause getting down
on some #switchbackside stunting
Scott Everhart with Theo T Krause |
Pretty #amazing to see my good friend casually out for a #bike #ride when less than a year ago he was told he’d never walk again. #miracle#vail#colorado#loveyouman
Theo T Krause at Gore Lake |
So the hike was unrelentingly challenging with my pack fulla tent etc, but the views were #worthit. Can’t wait to see how my early morning #rollei35 shots come out.#coloradotography
Scott Everhart with Dan Miller and 2 others at Crested Butte
September 16, 2014 · Edited · |
364 days later, we’re back! None the same, the journey continues. Living, learning, being.
Theo T Krause |
I don’t like doing personal updates much, but I would like to list all the things I was able to do today that I was told I would not and should not have ever been able to do again as of a year ago:
Woke up, sat up in bed, walked to the sink, brushed my teeth with no help using a normal toothbrush, & combed my hair using a normal comb.
Got in and out of a car driving to breakfast. Then I ate a normal breakfast using normal utensils.
Tied my shoes, put sunscreen on, and started on a hike.
Walked up a steep & sandy downhill trail 3 miles.
Carved my initials into a tree with no help then urinated on the same tree with no help.
Walked down a steep & sandy downhill trail 3 miles.
Sprinted to the bathroom, took a dump by myself with no devices or medicine, cleaned myself up, stood up off the camp toilet, and jogged back to the car.
Rode in a car for three hours without having to worry about shifting my weight. At one point, I was even able to feel my right buttock go numb due to my wallet.
Got home, used a normal key to let myself in, showered (able to clean almost every square inch of my body by myself), got dressed, and I’m on my way to meet friends for a beverage in the village.
When I’m having a hard day where I feel like I am light-years away from being “recovered”, I try to remember these things. More importantly, I try to remember the people who made me who I am. The resiliency in my character is due to you. So, in simple terms, I owe you a “Thank you.”
Thank you.